Frequently Asked Questions

Can kids use hemp soap?

Absolutely! Hemp soap is gentle and suitable for all skin types, including children. The natural ingredients in hemp soap can help keep kids' skin soft and moisturised without the harsh chemicals found in many commercial soaps.

How to make hemp soap?

Making hemp soap typically involves combining oils, like hemp seed oil, with lye and water to create a chemical reaction called saponification. After curing for several weeks, the soap is ready to use. This is method is known as cold processed soap making and is the method used by Soap Suds & Oils as it preserves the benefits of the natural oils.

How to make hemp soap at home?

To make hemp soap at home, you’ll need a few basic ingredients: hemp seed oil, other oils like olive or coconut, lye, water, and optional essential oils for fragrance. Following a soap-making recipe, you can melt and mix the ingredients, then pour them into molds to cure for a few weeks. But why waste your time when Soap Suds & Oils have done the hard work for you. Saponification is a science method and should be managed with strict environmental safety mechanisms.

How to make hemp soap without lye?

 Making soap without lye involves using a pre-made soap base, which has already undergone saponification. You can melt the soap base and add hemp seed oil, essential oils, and other ingredients before pouring it into moulds to harden. This is a safer option for home hobbyists.

What is hemp soap?

Hemp soap is a type of soap that incorporates hemp seed oil, known for its moisturising and nourishing properties. Hemp seed oil is a superior ingredient and is gentle on the skin and often used to help soothe dry or irritated skin.

What does hemp soap do for you?

Hemp soap can help cleanse, moisturise, and soothe the skin. The omega fatty acids and vitamins in hemp seed oil nourish the skin, making it soft and smooth while reducing dryness and irritation.

What is hemp soap good for?

Hemp soap is excellent for moisturising dry skin, reducing inflammation, and providing gentle cleansing without stripping the skin of its natural oils. It's suitable for all skin types, including sensitive and acne-prone skin. A superior oil in soap making and the chosen ingredient by Soap Suds and Oils for its intense moisturising qualities.

What is hemp soap used for?

Hemp soap is used for daily skin cleansing and moisturising. It can help alleviate dry skin conditions, soothe irritation, and provide a natural alternative to chemical-laden soaps. You will feel the benefits after just one use, but regular use in your daily cleansing routine will provide excellent skin conditioning unlike soap alternatives.

What does hemp soap smell like?

The scent of hemp soap can vary depending on the added essential oils or fragrances. On its own, hemp seed oil has a mild, nutty aroma, but most hemp soaps incorporate essential oils. Soap Suds and Oils have carefully curated individual soap fragrances with pure essential oils, offering a luxurious daily cleansing experience.

What is hemp soap base?

A hemp soap base is a pre-made soap mixture that contains hemp seed oil. It serves as the starting point for homemade soaps, allowing you to add your preferred ingredients, like essential oils or exfoliants, without dealing with lye. This is a safer alternative for home hobbyists wanting to make their own soap as it excludes the saponification stage through a melt and pour technique. Soap Suds & Oils have done the hard work for you. Each soap has its own unique properties with something for everyone from exfoliating soaps to gentle fragranced alternatives, all based with Australian hemp seed oil.